LoL: Best Karma Skins

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Sun Goddess Karma

6. Sun Goddess Karma

Okay, so the first stop on our adventure is a world in which the moon will apparently smother the sun. Now, I've been reading a lot of books on space and physics because of interest, and this just doesn't make a lot of sense... Riot, please explain how this is supposed to work? How big is the moon? How small is the sun? Please, I don't understand. Okay... before I have an aneurysm, I do the learned yoga techniques I've mastered and try to find where my main girl Karma is hiding.

We see the giant worldbreakers, the four titans meant to shatter the world, but before that fate happens, we must quickly run to find Karma. She is the mythical being of Sun Goddess — an ageless being who rises and sets. We have to save her before the titans can rise and destroy the world!

I still don't understand the physics of it all, but one thing I do understand is that in this dire situation, Karma is the key to everything. She is the one who represents the sun, is keeping this desolate world alive and letting life thrive. So, no time to panic, for we have to find her before it's too late for this world. Searching left and right, the ground shaking under our feet, we know it is too late. The second destructive cycle is upon us, and we never even got a glimpse of the Sun Goddess Karma. | © Riot Games

Winter wonder karma splash

5. Winter Wonder Karma

Snow, ice and wind is what meets us as we exit our universe travel machine in the next world we visit. A thick coat of freshly fallen snow makes our surrounding look tranquil and calm. The wind rustles the trees, and we take a deep breath of freezing air, relishing in the feel of the cool, dry air. The sun shines brightly, reflecting off the fallen snowflakes, plunging the world in light.

It's so peaceful that we're surprised when a snowball hits the back of our head. Behind us is a large prince-like monstrosity. Beside him is a poro riding lady and of course, we spot the beautiful Winter Wonder Karma just laughing. Wow, who knew a 2D animated character could be so beautiful, but for the first time, we landed in a peaceful world without war and worries. This is the place we want to stay, even if the ice-prince looks a lot like a crazed doctor we know from another world.

The snowman can speak and, the scarecrow is made out of candy cane and the ice sparkles in the bright sun. It's beautiful and breathtaking and a world we never want to leave, but unfortunately, we didn't bring our winter coats, and we did just come from Los Angeles, so we really aren't dressed for the occasion. Time to pack up our things and move on to the next universe... | © Riot Games

Odyssey Karma Splash

4. Odyssey Karma

As we make our way into the next universe, we get launched into a space universe that seems oddly familiar. We've been here before... and it wasn't a pleasant trip into this world. Memories of a cackling insane Jinx make us think we're suffering from PTSD, eyes looking all around. Is she hiding somewhere? Did Jinx finally catch up to us, and will she finish the job and blow us up?

Thankfully, we didn't end up on the Morning Star with its insane crew. Instead, we're in a giant temple, sitting across from an ethereal creature whom we quickly learn is none other than Karma herself. A high priestess of the Templar Order who hired a group of mercenaries to free captured Templars.

What are her plans? Oddly enough, Karma scares us. One would think that a great Templar like herself would be a benevolent creature, but instead we get a harsh leader before us. She is ready to fight against the evil forces Aatrox to avenge her former lover and Templar Zed. Will her fight against the violent crime lord be victorious, or will she and many other Templar face the same fate as those before them?

Is this really our fight, though? Should we stay and help? The mere thought of running into Jinx and her insanity is frightening, and we quickly make the decision that while the stars are beautiful, this is not the place, nor the time, to sight see and stay. | © Riot Games

Ruined Karma Skin

3. Ruined Karma

What is this world...? Why is it so dark and bleak? There are dark shadows looming in every corner, and atop a destroyed throne sits none other than the king of a forgotten land. We've seen him before, but who are all the other people around? Green hues embrace those who are around the throne, and it becomes apparent that this dark mist has overtaken everyone's consciousness. Will our breathing techniques help us in this situation? Why haven't we become corrupted yet?

This is the Ruination. The event that took over all of Runeterra, thanks to the Black Mist and its power. Champions and characters that have strong wills were turned within a few moments, succumbing to the darkness that spread due to the approach of Viego. Who would have thought that the one time we get to explore and see the world of our favorite computer game it would be during one of the darkest moments in the history of Runeterra.

How come someone as benevolent as Karma was eaten up by the darkness? Who is going to take over as the Spirit of Ionia then? Runeterra is lost to the Black Mist, and all we can do is stand there, watching as some of our favorite characters and champions succumb to their fate... the fate caused by Viego's darkness.

Thankfully, we played through the whole ruination event as Rookie and know that a simple plan that doesn't involve half the cast of the event will solve this issue, so we peace the F out of there before things get too dark. | © Riot Games

Tranquility Dragon Karma Splash HD

2. Tranquility Dragon Karma

A world filled with magical dragons living in remote places of wild beauty meets our eyes as we step out into the globe this time around. Large trees bigger than we'd ever seen before, with leaves in all colors of the rainbow, surround our vehicle. Bright turquoise water splashes against giant gemstone rocks and off in the corner we spot her, the one who was bestowed with the powers of the tranquility dragon — Tranquility Dragon Karma.

The world we're currently standing in is beautiful and like none we've seen before, but there are signs of war and destruction as well. Could it be that the only reason this part of the forest is still intact thanks to the Tranquility Dragon and their power bestowed upon Karma? Will her calm be able to quench the rage of Brand?

We don't dare make a sound or noise as Tranquility Dragon Karma sits upon a rock, eyes closed, meditating in pure silence. Only the sound of water flowing and splashing can be heard, a few birds chirping off in the distance, singing soft songs. A single word spoken could break this peace, so we quickly rush back to our vehicle to go to one final world. Will we finally get to hold a conversation with Karma in the final universe? | © Riot Games

Dark Star Karma splash HD

1. Dark Star Karma

We find ourselves floating through a vast vacuum of darkness. What is there to see here? Space is cold and empty, not a single glimpse of light from any stars seems to have made it to these corners of the universe, and we're confused as to what we're even supposed to find here. Did we put in the wrong coordinates? The wrong time? There is supposed to be some sort of iteration of Karma in this universe at this spot...

No sound, no air, just pure crushing oblivion what meets the eye. Where there had once been a thriving civilization filled with peace and personal enlightenment, there is nothing more than emptiness and obscurity. How far from anything have we wandered that we don't even catch any glimpse of stars in this corner of the universe?

As we're about to turn back, the darkness closing in on us, we see it. We catch a glimpse of a giant being in the far distance, a slight glitch in the gloom surrounding us. There is the creature known as Dark Star Karma, a looming beast of dread and chaos... the reason there are no stars and no light in this part of the universe is this creature that was reborn as a star-consuming horror.

We leave quickly before Dark Star Karma wakes from her meditation and spots us. This was not the exciting trip we thought it would be, rather we're left feeling empty and alone. | © Riot Games


fortnite candy cane skin

Okay, let's do an exercise in imagination. Let's try to think of Karma in our world. What kind of person would she be? Where would she live? Honestly, she gives me Yoga instructor from LA vibes. She would have her in-house yoga lessons for rich valley-moms. Riot, please give us the yoga-instructor-Karma skin in 2022!

Now, we go with our yoga instructor Karma into our usual universe travel machine to see what kind of person she could be in different worlds. Is she a dramatic fighter, or does she protect those in need? Is she some form of instructor somewhere else as well? Seriously, there are limitless options, and we're going to explore them all.

But of course, first, we need to warm up with some breathing exercises, so we sit behind the wheel of our DeLorean DMC-12, close our eyes and focus on our breaths. Breathe out... let out all negative emotions piled up from hours of League of Legends. Breathe in... think of beautiful Karma skins that you're about to witness.

Alright, we're ready to go and ready to start on our journey into the unknown. How many universes will we travel to? Will we encounter death and war, just like we did with Jinx and Kalista? Hopefully we can stay safe and calm thanks to all the yoga Karma has been teaching us throughout the last week or so. We're practically masters by this point. Downward facing dog? No problem. Tree pose? Easy. Hopefully these help us on our adventure to find the best Karma skins League of Legends has to offer!

More League of Legends Galleries:

  • All Arcade Skins in LoL
  • All Dragonmancer Skins in League of Legends

Okay, let's do an exercise in imagination. Let's try to think of Karma in our world. What kind of person would she be? Where would she live? Honestly, she gives me Yoga instructor from LA vibes. She would have her in-house yoga lessons for rich valley-moms. Riot, please give us the yoga-instructor-Karma skin in 2022!

Now, we go with our yoga instructor Karma into our usual universe travel machine to see what kind of person she could be in different worlds. Is she a dramatic fighter, or does she protect those in need? Is she some form of instructor somewhere else as well? Seriously, there are limitless options, and we're going to explore them all.

But of course, first, we need to warm up with some breathing exercises, so we sit behind the wheel of our DeLorean DMC-12, close our eyes and focus on our breaths. Breathe out... let out all negative emotions piled up from hours of League of Legends. Breathe in... think of beautiful Karma skins that you're about to witness.

Alright, we're ready to go and ready to start on our journey into the unknown. How many universes will we travel to? Will we encounter death and war, just like we did with Jinx and Kalista? Hopefully we can stay safe and calm thanks to all the yoga Karma has been teaching us throughout the last week or so. We're practically masters by this point. Downward facing dog? No problem. Tree pose? Easy. Hopefully these help us on our adventure to find the best Karma skins League of Legends has to offer!

More League of Legends Galleries:

  • All Arcade Skins in LoL
  • All Dragonmancer Skins in League of Legends