Fortnite's Jurassic World Crossover Could Bring Back Ballers

raptor fortnite pop

The raptor also comes equipped with shotgun shells. Vinyl figure #436 is ready to join the battle royale. Epic games’ smash hit fortnite has been given the pop!

Uh, uh, uh, you didn't say the magic word. Fortnite crossovers are everywhere right now, and after the lightsaber-swinging action of the latest Star Wars collaboration, we're going back in time for the next big pop culture tie-in. 63 million years back in time, to be precise.

It's been 29 years since Richard Attenborough's John Hammond opened the gates to that doomed park and Steven Spielberg brought Michael Crichton's acclaimed novel to life in live-action. Since then, we've had a franchise of five movies (a sixth on the way), comic books, theme park rides, merch, and video games. It was only a matter of time until Fortnite welcomed the Jurassic name.

Is Jurassic World Coming To Fortnite?

Possible Fortnite x Jurassic World collab?

The new movie releases a week after Season 3 release. And we know that Epic are working on a "HamsterBallV2" (Ballers V2) vehicle, could it be just a big coincidence?

— HYPEX (@HYPEX) May 11, 2022

From Avengers: Infinity War to Spider-Man: No Way Home, Aquaman to The Mandalorian, and even Tenet (for some reason), a lot of big movie releases have been celebrated in Fortnite. With Jurassic World Dominion due to round off the story Spielberg started all those years ago, its release pitches it as one of 2022's biggest movies.

Noted Fortnite leaker @HYPEX claims to have found a "HamsterBallV2" vehicle in the Fortnite code. Couple this with reports of rideable animals and the fact Dominion releases just a week after Chapter 3 Season 3, we could see the iconic ballers from 2015's Jurassic World arrive in-game.

In terms of where else the crossover could take us, rideable dinos would be another great way to get around the map. Ages ago, there was speculation you could ride the Fortnite raptors - although it never came to pass. The trailers for Jurassic World Dominion have shown the main players riding dinos, so it's not exactly a reach. Imagine if you get to saddle up an angry Klombo to decimate your enemies.

Are Jurassic World Skins Coming To Fortnite?

Fortnite x Jurassic Park/World (Sry I’m a big fan of the Jurassic Park Franchise)
Owen Grady
Alan Grant
Ian Malcolm
Claire Dearing
Baby Blue
Baby Echo
Baby Delta
Baby Charlie
Baby T-Rex
Harvesting Tool:
Owen’s Knife
Alan’s Raptor Claw

— Nebular (@Nebular_YT) November 5, 2021

Away from actual in-game content, there's all the usual money-grabbing potential of Jurassic World skins. Seeing the Fortnitification of Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt as Claire Dearing and Owen Grady would be an easy sell. If that wasn't enough, remember the movie is also bringing back Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum as the OGs. This isn't the first we've heard of a Jurassic World crossover, but the last rumours turned out to be false.

Even if there's not a full-blown Jurassic World Dominion crossover that brings dinosaurs and ballers back to the map, we at least hope the iconic Jurassic Park jeep at least appears as an Easter egg. Despite Chapter 3 Season 3 being just a matter of weeks away, there's not much on what the season will be about. A revamp of Chapter 2 Season 6's Primal is definitely possible.

Dare we wish for a topless Ian Malcolm skin? Life, uh, finds a way.