hemlock fortnite skin
With Fortnitemares 2019 soon to kick off, we’ve had our first look at just a few of the special skins that will be released over the course of the event and those that will release shortly after.
These aren’t all spooky, just because this patch will tide the game over for after Fortnitemares too in terms of a few updates and new cosmetics. But the Halloween skins we do have are pretty good, including Haze, Deadeye and a, erm, bush person.
Here’s an overall look at all of the Fortnitemares 2019 cosmetics courtesy of FunGamesLeaks. Click to enlarge.
And here’s a closer look at a few of the Fortnitemares skins, courtesy of FNBRLeaks.
Here’s Haze, who has an alternate style that makes her a demon.
Next up is Hemlock, who turns into a rather unsightly witch creature with a different style.
Here’s Wake Rider, who looks like an absolute bro.
Surf Rider, who looks like an absolute thirst trap for the youngsters.
Trench Raider looks like he’s smelled something he wish he didn’t.
Riley, who is a rather basic skin that’s still pretty nice.
And the undisputed best skin of the bunch, Bushranger.
If you’re looking for Ghoul Trooper, don’t worry: there’s still a chance she could come back for Fortnitemares as she is already a part of the game’s files.
Don’t forget that although these skins are in the files now, they may not make their way to the Item Shop for a long, long time. The Bao Bros were leaked about a year ago and have yet to go up for sale.
Elsewhere in Fortnite cosmetics, you can pick up the Wavebreaker Starter Pack right now.
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