Fortnite: How To Travel While Having Icy Feet, The Easy Way, For The Winterfest Challenge

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Scratcher joined 2 years, 10 months ago united states. Type in (or copy/paste) the map code you want to load up. In yesterday’s item shop, epic released […]



Today’s Fortnite Winterfest challenge has arrived, and players are being asked to travel 200 meters while having icy feet in order to complete it.

Now, you can do this the hard way, or you can do this the easy way. Wouldn’t you rather do it the easy way?

The hard way is to find an item to get it done, which requires chest luck. You can grab a snowball grenade that when thrown, will give you icy feet for greater mobility and it can help you complete this challenge. But there are actually guaranteed locations and ways to do this that don’t require on chest RNG.

What you need to do is find a snowman. Normally, you can hide inside of them to avoid other players, but in this case, you’re going to want to hack into them. When they die, they give you the icy feet effect.



There is a cluster of four snowmen in the south east corner of Greasy Grove. If you hack a snowman and then run for the full duration of the icy feet the explosion will give you, you should get about 50 meters per snowman. Four snowman equals the ability to get all this done in a single location without any items at all. This is definitely the easiest way to do it, and you can finish it within a minute of landing, probably, albeit Greasy tends to be a bit of a hot drop these days.



If you want to do it with actual items, you can feel free to, but just remember any time you come across a snowman in the wild, this is a quick and easy way to make progress toward the challenge, and this cluster in particular will let you get it done in a single spot.

We’ll see what else we unlock over the course of the week here with these challenges and opening all these presents. Stay tuned for more rewards and more guides on how to max your XP from these challenges this year.

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