Epic Games has nerfed Fortnite's visualized audio effects

Epic Games released the v21.10 update for Fortnite Battle Royale on Tuesday, June 21. It has changed many things in the game, including gameplay and the map.

This was the first major update in Chapter 3 Season 3, and it has brought many new amazing things to the game, in turn making players look forward to what's coming in the future.


Fortnite has received several gameplay balance changes with the latest update as well. Epic Games has nerfed Reality Saplings, thereby preventing players from getting too many Legendary and Mythic weapons.

Furthermore, the game developer released a big change to visualized audio effects, making them less effective.

Visualized audio effects are no longer as amazing as they used to be

Epic Games added visualized audio effects to Fortnite Battle Royale as a way to help deaf players play the game. This is also a great option for those who do not have a headset as it essentially converts audio into visual clues.

In recent months, many players have started using visualized audio effects as they give them a huge advantage against enemies. Most players use these effects in combination with headset audio, which gives them both audio and visual clues.

This strategy is getting more popular every day, and that is most likely why Epic Games decided to nerf it. According to ShiinaBR, one of the most popular Fortnite leakers, the developer has nerfed the range of visualized audio effects.

Epic has nerfed the range of the "Visualized Audio" option.

Visualized audio effects still work and players can use them together with audio output. However, the range has been nerfed with the latest update.

This means that players will only get visual clues for the footsteps of nearby players, the sounds of chests that are close, and so on. This also affects gunshots as players will get fewer visual clues from them due to the range nerf.

While many players believe that it was an unnecessary nerf, the fact is that Epic Games wouldn't have changed anything about it if so many players didn't use it to gain advantage over their enemies. Some popular streamers even play with this setting turned on, despite having high-quality headsets.

How to turn on visualized audio effects in Fortnite Battle Royale

To activate the “visualize sound effects” in fortnite, be sure to stick to the following procedure: Fortnite has an array of accessibility options that can enable a better experience while playing the game. Select the audio icon (fourth from the right), and scroll down to the ‘sound’ subset.


Turning on visual clues for in-game sounds is very easy and players can change this setting in just a few seconds. To see what the game looks like with these clues, you have to follow these steps to turn them on:

  1. Open Main Menu
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Switch to the Audio tab
  4. Set Visualize Sound Effects to "On"

Keep in mind that if you play with a headset, turning this setting on will affect the audio quality. 3D audio will also be turned off while visual clues are enabled.

Before the nerf, many players considered this setting to be very useful, so you can give it a shot. However, the nerf may have made it much worse, so you will have to see if it works for you.

how to turn on visual sound effects fortnite

Edited by Abu Amjad Khan

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